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Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE

Subject: Re: [Amps] UHF Connectors & Crimpers: WHICH/WHAT SOURCE
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:05:49 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 11/13/2013 11:11 PM, Pete Raymond wrote:

I do not know of any such list.  I would call the manufacturer of your
dies and ask them about the ones you have.
There must be some kind of numbers associated with them.  Good luck.
73 Pete N4KW

There are such lists for the tools. I had several. Still do...Somewhere, but they should be available on the sites like the RFC and others. Typically they will have a list for the tool and the sizes they cover.

They may be for each specific tool rather than a table listing.

IIRC there are two sets of dies for a tool/crimper. Each one covers a large RG8/LMR-400 and either RG58, or RG59/8X and the other the rest of the sizes. I'd have to look up how they are grouped. LMR-600 is usually a single purpose crimper.


Roger (K8RI)

On 11/13/2013 9:12 PM, Hardy Landskov wrote:
Pete & Everyone,
Maybe I've missed something along the way but is there a list that
calls out what die goes with what RG number? The only one I know for
sure is the one for LMR-400. I now have 2 crimpers, with 8 different
die sizes and only one I know for sure.
73 Hardy N7RT

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