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Topband: Airports

To: "TopBand List" <>
Subject: Topband: Airports
From: "Tom W8JI" <>
Reply-to: Tom W8JI <>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 13:07:53 -0400
List-post: <">>
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Bill Cromwell <> wrote:
Lucky me there is no "HOA" where I live. Mention HOA and everybody says
"huh? No way". I am about 4000 feet from the nearest runway but that is
for small aircraft and the 4000 feet is from my home to the *side* of
runway. The tallest tree on my place is about 40 feet high and I don't
want to go very much past that due to that runway AND to just keep a low

Keep in mind there is no distance restriction for private fields. Item 1 is particularly important. There are several small fields around me, none of which have FAA registration as a public field.
Only the following are restricted:

(1) A public use airport listed in the Airport/Facility Directory, Alaska Supplement, or Pacific Chart Supplement of the U.S. Government Flight Information Publications;
(2) A military airport under construction, or an airport under construction 
that will be available for public use;
(3) An airport operated by a Federal agency or the DOD.

(4) An airport or heliport with at least one FAA-approved instrument approach procedure.

73 Tom

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