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Re: Topband: TX/ RX Antenna Switching

To: "ZR" <>, "Buck wh7dx" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: TX/ RX Antenna Switching
From: "Tom W8JI" <>
Reply-to: Tom W8JI <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 16:25:05 -0500
List-post: <">>
How do we know what it has with no schematic available? It could be $1-2 worth of parts.
I recommend that nobody buy anything from DXE that does not support an at 
home repair.
I certainly agree everyone should give out schematics. Not providing a 
schematic does not stop anyone from copying something, because anyone can 
buy one and trace it out. Not providing a schematic only makes things rough 
for someone trying to repair something, or trouble shoot a system.
I see more and more a tendency to not provide schematics, and this is an 
alarming trend. This goes from my consumer gear (like my home security 
system) to my Ham gear. Unfortunately, this is very common these days.
However, we also should not shoot from the hip and/or present things as fact 
or present things as something we know when we are just guessing, assuming, 
or making things up. This goes across the board to all topics.

Topband reflector -

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