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Re: Topband: DX WINDOW

To: "Milt -- N5IA" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: DX WINDOW
From: "Tom W8JI" <>
Reply-to: Tom W8JI <>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 12:03:28 -0500
List-post: <">>
As Peter has responded, there are two JA windows; 1810-1825 and 1907.7-1912.5 .
Until a few years ago the JA hams only had the upper 1907.7-1912.5 
allocation.  Because the band was segmented in much of the world most 
international contacts on 160 Meters were done split frequency.
From here in the USA the common method was for US stations to transmit in 
the 1.820-1.830 area where their narrow band TX antennas were resonant and 
listen for the JA stations in the above 1.9 MHZ JA allocation.  The JA 
stations would do the opposite, TXing above 1.9 and listening down low.
Initially USA transmitted 1800-1810 on CW, usually below 1805. It wasn't 
just JA.
The west coast USA had 1975-2000, the east coast 1800-1825.

ZL only worked up around 1875.

Many Europe and Africa only had 1825 up to 1830, some more.

Now the JA's are still very restricted with the two segments you mentioned and no SSB. Other places have a variety of areas to operate.
This still does not exclude a DX Window for Europe and the rest of the 
world, just because JA can't above 1825.
Also, the OLD standard was USA CQ on the start of the odd fives, and listen 
on the even start of 5's when DX CQed. For example, I might CQ at 0500Z and 
G3PU at 0505.

73 Tom
Topband reflector -

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