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Re: Topband: Rohn 25 Vertical questions.

To: Ron WV4P <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Rohn 25 Vertical questions.
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 15:43:25 -0600
List-post: <>

When you start preparing for phase 2, here are some notes on my installation presented at the 2018 Dayton Antenna Forum that is linked from Tim's K3LR website that should be a good reference in addition to Tim's excellent data contained in the "Low Band DXing Handbook":

My driven element is Rohn 25. It has been in use as a 160 meter TX antenna (originally as a shunt fed tower) for almost 25 years. I initially did not have any connection across the joints however after several years I became concerned there may be an issue, no particular reason or data to suggest such other than a "gut" feeling. My solution was to run a #4 wire from the top joint all the way down to the bottom joint on each leg, a "parallel" run across all the joints. I have no data to suggest an improvement was made other than to my comfort level!
GL with the project and GL this winter!

73 Joel W5ZN

On 2020-08-19 14:03, Ron WV4P wrote:
Thanks for all the replies and willingness to share hard earned wisdom.

Tim, When you say "May cause noise" Is that on TX ? or ?
I am setting the antenna up to run the 4 parasitic elements like yours, but it will be phase 2 as the radials for them elements will be tricky on my
very unlevel terrain.

Frank, I do anticipate the use of an inband station although it's not
likely to be utilized much I would not think. All RX will be on a mix of Beverages, rx vertical arrays and loops 700 - 1200 foot from the TX tower.
I am a welder, but I can't foresee any safe / reliable way of attaching
anything to Rohn 25. Maybe putting lugs on each of the 5/16 bolts and
running an unbroken #6 copper up each leg and bonding together at the top.
A lot of effort for a likely minimal if any change in scores though.

Ron, WV4P

On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 at 03:56, Mail 10 <> wrote:
I am planning a similar installation, using Deeco mast sections (6' x
10"). I have 20 of these, used of course. I don't think they have been
manufactured for decades. Sections interface with pin and socket, with 3
x 1/2" bolts between plates on each end.

Will also be strapping across the joints, as I know what a PITA
intermittent connections are.

It will be a radiating mast with no other antennas on top, apart from a
parallel wire for 80 m operation.

Erection won't commence until at least later in Spring, as the ground is
just so wet now, after one of the wettest years we've had.

73, Luke VK3HJ

On 19/08/2020 4:06 am, Ron WV4P wrote:
> Howdy All,
> I'm getting ready to put up a Rohn 25 Insulated Base ~1/4 wave vertical.
> (115') and I'd like to get some advice if possible.
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