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Topband: QRP on 160?

To: Topband Reflector <>
Subject: Topband: QRP on 160?
From: Tom Boucher <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 16:14:37 +0100
List-post: <>
For many years after I was licensed in 1960, we were limited in G-land to
10 watts input to the PA (not output). So working DX was a major
achievement, although there were quite a few 'fat watts' around!
G3PU used to regularly work VK and ZL with a genuine 10 watts from his
cliff top QTH on the south coast. G3ERN was another genuine 10 watter who
worked VK/ZL.

Somewhere in my log there is a QSO with George AA7JV when he was running 5
watts in Miami with an excellent signal.

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