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[TowerTalk] 2 towers/2beams phased

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Subject: [TowerTalk] 2 towers/2beams phased
From: (Brogdon, Al, W1AB)
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 15:08:00 -0500

>> I'm wondering if anyone on this reflector has actually put up and used an
>> H-frame of yagis on 10M?
>No, but I have seen a similiar setup for 20M.  6 elements if I
>recall.  It was published in QST many many years ago.  It made the
>cover shot, and was mounted on a windmill tower with a long
>mast.  All four yagis were mounted on the mast, with the lower set
>right at the top of the tower.  I remember the author used wood
>for the sidearms.  It was in the 60's or early 70's QST, if I
> of the smaller style issues.
>GL, Tom N2SR


     The shot of W6KPC's antenna was on the cover of November 1969 QST.

     And then there was a killer cartoon published in one of the other ham 
mags a few months later, with a drawing of what was >obviously< that same 
antenna, with two women in the foreground.  One woman is saying to the 
other, "Sometimes I wish he would drink beer and chase women, like other men 

                         73,    Al, W1AB (ole K3KMO)

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