I think it's important to emphasize your point that you COULD damage
something by loading your antenna on a frequency it's not designed for.
Doing so can cause very high voltage points in places that are not designed
to handle them.
73, Ty K3MM
----- Original Message -----
From: <n4kg@juno.com>
To: <TOWERTALK@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Force 12 C3 spacers
> On Wed, 16 May 2001 K7LXC@aol.com writes:
> >
> > Remember that the only antenna parameter hams can measure is SWR so
> > some of us tend to become relatively anal about *low* swr so anything
> that
> > upsets it - no matter how minor - is viewed with some concern.
> >
> > Cheers, Steve K7LXC
> > Tower Tech
> >
> AMEN Steve !
> Allow me to give you a couple of examples of high SWR antenna
> performance.
> #1 After a 30 minute ragchew and some persuasion, I convinced
> an African station I was working on 15M to try 17 and then 12 M
> with his 15M dipole. He had a great signal on 17M, tuning the
> pi-network of this TS-830 for maximum forward power. We then
> tried 12M (WAY past his usual bedtime) and again made contact.
> He was so excited he asked if I thought the 15M dipole would work
> on 30M where it was only half size. I was more than game so again
> we QSYed and made contact. He stayed on 30M for another hour
> handing out the first 30M contacts (as far as I knew) to several
> European and North American callers.
> #2 My 160M elevated GP also supports one end of my EU / S.Pac.
> 80M dipole and has an 80M inverted vee on a pulley for JA / SA.
> During the winter months I like to have my 80M inverted Vee
> available for the SE Asian openings at Sunrise and Sunset.
> Yes, it severely detunes the 160M GP. I just tune for maximum
> forward power (1400W) and accept the high 'reflected' power (400W).
> It didn't seem to hurt me when I worked the ZD9, ZL9, and XZ
> DXpeditions.
> Bottom Line:
> An antenna does NOT need to be resonant (or matched)
> to radiate. As long as Nothing ARCs and Nothing MELTS,
> NO HARM DONE, at least with 3-500 glass tubes.
> de Tom N4KG
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