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Re: [TowerTalk] Grounding Standard

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Grounding Standard
From: Mike Miller <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 23:20:01 -0500
List-post: <>
All this talk about grounding has gotten me in a mood to ask a few 
questions, since I've not grounded my tower yet.  I've not placed any 
antennas on it yet or anything else, either, though, but it's still not 
safe, I know, let's not start in on that....

Drawing on what both Carl, KM1H, has suggested about battery cables or 
other stranded cables, and what Jim, W6RMK, has suggested about surface 
area, is there any reason that I couldn't make use of the spare 2/0 
welding cable I've got hanging around in the garage instead of heading 
off to purchase something else for grounding the tower?  Wouldn't that 
conform to the new standards?  I'd think that there are more than enough 
strands of wire in that cable to give enough surface area to cover their 
requirement of "2/0 solid surface area."  The only two difficulties I 
would have then would be coming up with ten foot ground rods (all I can 
find is 5/8" eight footers around here, and I've already purchased two 
of the three I need), and finding some suitable way to bond the cable to 
both the ground rod and the leg of the HDBX-40.

Any opinions?  I'm open to suggestions...

--Mike, WA0ZOG

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