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Re: [TowerTalk] Rotor Removal

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rotor Removal
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 20:35:48 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 5/25/2010 4:57 PM, Grant Saviers wrote:
> An additional comment for building a tower and stack without a crane.
> For a long mast it helps if the mast is placed inside the tower at the
> start.
I did this. I placed two, 20' structural steel tubes in side the bottom 
two sections. once the tower reached 40' in height the two tubes were 
butt welded together.  I should have put a 1 or 2' sleeve inside the 
joint though and welded it in as the butt weld eventually broke. As it 
was inside another tube any way I just bolted the whole works together 
with the splice between bolts, but it would have been nicer had it held.


Roger (K8RI)
>   Then the mast hoist can proceed when the tower is up, as
> mentioned in this thread with the additional rotator plate or angle iron
> u-bolt assembly to hold the mast.  Then it is possible to build the
> stack in place, hoisting the mast the required amount for each antenna
> with a come-along or block and tackle.  Reverse the process when antenna
> work is needed :-( .
> Grant KZ1W
> Kenneth R. Goodwin, Jr. wrote:
>> I used an old TB3 and some angle iron (actually unused tower braces
>> cut to the necessary length) to tie a TB3 to the tower legs with
>> u-bolt clamps. I drilled the holes in the 'angle iron' for the
>>   snip
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