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Re: [TowerTalk] Yagi Building Ideas

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Yagi Building Ideas
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2017 10:48:13 -0700
List-post: <">>
I have used a different color spray paint and hit the joints with the paint, one color for each band. The only issue you may have with the C3's is that the holes were not drilled at the same place at each element. With a number of ownership changes maybe that was changed. It appears they drilled the holes on the fly and got close but not perfect so you may or may not be able to get the rivets in.


On 1/1/2017 10:41 AM, jimlux wrote:
On 1/1/17 8:20 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
The element to boom mounting using a U bolt is a pretty fast and easy
method for mounting.  Also if you use their idea of rivets you can
temporarily insert the rivets and tape over them to hold them in place.

I like that.. a box of rivets, or just pins of some sort. Shove them in, whip a piece of tape around. With two people it could go pretty fast. Disassembly is a knife/box cutter

you definitely want to paint easy to identify markings on elements. Maybe you could do the tent pole shock cord thing to help keep them in order.

It's a temporary installation, so the extra weight from the rope/shock-cord wouldn't be an issue.

I suppose you could permanently mount a piece of aluminum on the booms
and then u-bolt the elements to.  You would have to account for that
mounting system in the design.  I am not sure what you would be gaining.


On 1/1/2017 8:59 AM, Tom Hellem wrote:
Hi All-
Our radio club is building a yagi to be used mostly for Field Day type
It's modeled upon the F-12 C-3 line, with the difference being we are not crazy about the element to boom mounting method with the u-bolts. I would
like to come up with something that is MUCH faster to assemble and

We have a few ideas but would sure like to know of any others out there.
Do any of you have some that you would be willing to share with us and

73 and HNY to all.


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