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Re: [TowerTalk] Deviation from plumb

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Deviation from plumb
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 12:59:45 -0500
List-post: <>
Correct!  I use tapered pier pin bases on all of my towers.

John KK9A

Donald Chester k4kyv at

Ed Earthlink sawyered at wrote:

You can “make it plumb” with tensioning the guys but honestly is taking a
few inches off the top necessarily helping the strength if it is stressing
the base to get there?

That's precisely why the typical hammy hambone method of partly burying the
bottom section of a guyed tower in the concrete base pier is poor engineering.
The proper way is to attach a base plate to the bottom of the tower section,
and set a pier pin in the concrete. The tower rests on the concrete pier with the pin sticking up through the hole in the base plate. The tower base isn't going
anywhere, but this allows the tower some leeway to sway and perhaps even twist
during heavy wind events and allows for some plumbing adjustment,
without stressing the tower not only at the base, but throughout the entire structure.

Burying in concrete may be OK for towers up to 60 ft or so, but beyond
that the pier pin method should always be used.

Don k4kyv


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