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Re: [TowerTalk] 20m monoband Yagi height

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 20m monoband Yagi height
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 12:23:18 -0500
List-post: <>
As high as possible is not correct, the ideal height for a single 20m  
beam on flat ground is probably around 100'. I suspect that you'll get  
mostly anecdotal answers to this question unless someone happens to  
have separate towers at 50' and 70' with the same antennas and has  
switched between them.  I have 20m Yagis at 75', 90' and 150'.  I only  
operate during contests, I do not recall ever not being able to work a  
multiplier with just a lower antenna. A model will give you the true  
radiation angle/gain differences. Since it costs much more to later  
upgrade a 50' crankup tower to a 70' crankup, I would probably start  
out with the taller tower.
John KK9A

Robert KD4Q

Please forgive my inability to figure out how to search archives by subject as I have to imagine this is a common question.
Understanding the best answer is “as high as possible” and the second  
best answer is at least one wavelength...
I wanted to ask about some real world experience between 50’ and 66-70’...

Specifically: given the same antenna, same QTH, same general point in the solar cycle...
Has anyone had a 20m monoband, trapless beam at ~50’, then raised it  
to ~70’ and seen enough consistent improvement to justify the effort?

Given my QTH I have about 55’ to tilt my (in process of permitting) tower. If I want to go higher I’m clear to 70 easy. However it will require telescoping (e.g. lower to 55, then tilt) to be able to service from the ground — a requirement for me.)
The cost difference is very substantial all the way around: purchase,  
shipping, footing, installation).
So I’m wondering if it’s worth all the time and trouble to get an  
extra 15-20 feet?
Background: I’d like a big signal, would like to have at least a  
50-75% chance to bust most pileups... even if it takes patience...but  
I’m a casual DXer who after 44 years is getting serious about 20m CW  
I’m not trying to be the guy who is first through the pileup or even  
places in a DX contest... but I’m tired of being the guy who can only  
reach for low hanging fruit. I want to work some more dopamine  
inducing DX and maybe turn in something more than average on contests.
I live in NE FL, a mile from the beach, on very sandy soils, and have  
oak trees at 45’.
Any insight appreciated.

Thanks es 73


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