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Re: [TowerTalk] CUSHCRAFT XM-240 bandwidth

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] CUSHCRAFT XM-240 bandwidth
From: Jeff Blaine <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2020 12:28:03 -0600
List-post: <>
Steve is right on the short stack.  I run a set of the JK402T here - which is the Moxon-like thing JK makes - at 70 & 140'. Works pretty good and has nice BW & good F/B compared to what you would expect from a conventional stubby 2-element.
A pair of 2-element on 40m makes a lot of sense here in the midwest 
because keeping up a full sized 40m beam given our tornado alley 
location, frequent high wind and the occasional ice conditions a serious 
challenge.   Plus a big beam means bigger rotor & tower are additional 
and needed to hold it up and hold it in place.  It's all been up now for 
3 years and has not broke yet which is great!  And I manage to catch a 
bit of DX and contest luck despite not having the full sized 3-4 element 
big boy running here.

On 11/5/20 10:01 AM, k7lxc--- via TowerTalk wrote:
Howdy, TowerTalkians -     These comments pertain to the 402CD but I suspect they'll be the same for the XM-240.   
  Split the difference between CW and MID settings and your 2:1 points will be 7.000 and 7.250. These are the Secret LXC Dimensions 
BTW.     As for a 2-stack, that's always been my economical killer 40M stack. I never built it but the performance should be 
better than a single full sized 3L 40M beam when you consider the choice of angles and headings plus thousands of $$ less. May the force be 
with you! Cheers,Steve    K7LXC

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