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Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 Crimp Connectors

To: "Towertalk" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 Crimp Connectors
From: "Larry B. via TowerTalk" <>
Reply-to: "Larry B." <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 16:50:55 -0500
List-post: <>
I purchase all of my crimp connectors from Davis, for both RG8X and RG8 size coax. I've not had any issues.
73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ

-----Original Message----- From: David Gilbert
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 15:15
To: Towertalk
Subject: [TowerTalk] PL-259 Crimp Connectors

Everyone here always recommends Amphenol 83-1SP PL-259 connectors, but
does Amphenol make a crimp version?  If so, where would be a good
supplier of them?  If not, what crimp connector out there has similar
quality?  I don't plan to ever use soldered connectors again.

I've used the crimp PL-259 connectors from DX Engineering and they have
worked well, but are there others?  I see that Davis RF has a couple of
crimp versions but there is no information on them, the price difference
between the two is almost 2:1, and I've never seen any user comments for

Thanks much,
Dave   AB7E


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