Ken Meier AA8AV at
Mon Aug 19 23:09:36 EDT 1996

Following is my contest score:

HOURS:	9.6

Category:	Single Op All Band Unassisted  Low Power 150

Band	QSO'S	Mults	Ant's

160	37	22	Dipole @ 55'
 80	135	39	Dipole @ 55'
 40 	292	49	2 Element Telerix @ 73'
 20	274	52	7 Element TH-7 @ 68'
 15	 96	29	Same as above
 10 	 51	17	Same as above

Tot	885 X	208 =   184,080

Equipment:  A pair of ICOM 751 A's

Well here it was a Saturday afternoon.......wife was going shopping and 
I said I was going on the radio to make a few contacts in the contest.  
Nothing serious just a few Q's.......I was already starting out late, an 
hour and 23 minutes to be exact.  After 37 minutes I had 89 Q's on 20m, 
the band was really open.  Ran 94 the next hour between 20-15-10 and 79 
the second full hour between 15 and 10.  At the end of 22z after taking 
a 1/2 hour break I had 305 Q's.  By this time I was hooked....line, 
sinker and all.....on a roll and out to make a game of it.  This hobby 
does it to guy like that....gets the old adrenaline going....and before 
long your rocking and rolling.

40 meters was noisy and the two beverage(s) helped out alot.  Ran 118 
one hour @ 0100 zulu.  Ended up with 292 Q's on 40....when the rate 
started to drop I went up to 80.  S&P between 80 and 40 for a little 
while then went to CQing.  80 worked out well and again the beverages 
definetly helped with hearing.  Went to 160 @ 0430 and 0530 for Mults.  
Used the second radio for Mults and additional Q's when ever possible.  
This was the first time I really gave this Contest a serious effort.  
Had alot of fun and really enjoyed it....Next time will plan on getting 
started on time.

						Ken AA8AV

AA8AV at

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