3830 Scores/Breakdowns

aa2du at netcom.com aa2du at netcom.com
Mon Mar 4 13:45:16 EST 1996

Scores 1996 ARRL DX SSB from the 3830 Net.
Collected by Bob, KQ2M, and relayed to 3830 Internet
and WA4ZXA by J.P., AA2DU

In no particular order:
(breakdowns follow below line scores)

Single-Op/All Band/High Power/Unassisted

K1AR (@ K1EA)    2483 Q  379 M  2.82 Million
K5ZD (W2SC op)   2424 Q  346 M  2.50 Million
N6BV             2215 Q  322 M  2.13 Million
K3ZO             2071 Q  333 M  2.06 Million
KM9P             1882 Q  342 M  1.93 Million
W9RE             1600 Q  335 M  1.60 Million
KQ2M              822 Q  158 M  390 Thousand (10 Hours)
HC8N (WN4KKN op) 7250 Q  330 M  7.0+ Million
ZF2FT            5292 Q  270 M  4.28 Million

Single-Op/All Band/High Power/Assisted

N3RR             1418 Q  370 M  1.57 Million
K3WW             1356 Q  371 M  1.50 Million
N8ATR            1026 Q  310 M  953 Thousand
WA2TIF            597 Q  219 M  391 Thousand
VE3EJ            2508 Q  408 M  3.0+ Million
G4OJH            1397 Q  134 M  562 Thousand

Single-OP/All Band/Low Power

WA4ZXA            539 Q  252 M  407 Thousand
WS1A              534 Q  203 M  324 Thousand

Single-Op/Single Band

WA4SVO            449 Q   93 M  125 Thousand (80 Meters)
HR6/N4MO         1623 Q   56 M  272 Thousand (20 Meters)


W3LPL            3714 Q  517 M  5.70 Million
N2RM             3470 Q  489 M  5.07 Million
K1RX (@ K1MNS)   2961 Q  452 M  4.01 Million
N3RS             2709 Q  460 M  3.70 Million (3 Radios)
N2NT             2423 Q  434 M  3.15 Million
W4MYA            2100 Q  429 M  2.69 Million
K3ANS            ???     ???    1.70 Million


KC1XX            2965 Q  460 M  4.08 Million
KF2ET (@ KE2NL)  2945 Q  422 M  3.71 Million
K4ISV            2574 Q  425 M  3.27 Million
W5KFT            1788 Q  389 M  2.08 Million
W3GNQ            1538 Q  369 M  1.69 Million
AA3JU            ???     ???    1.16 Million
FS5PL            8670 Q  289 M  7.59 Million

K3LR             2507 Q  417 M  3.14 Million
K8AZ             1790 Q  360 M  1.90 Million
AA4NC            1505 Q  368 M  1.66 Million
WP2AHW          10512 Q  306 M  6.90 Million
VP9DX            4944 Q  260 M  3.85 Million



K1AR  160:   61/42     K5ZD  160:   62/38
       80:  328/72            80:  321/73
       40:  346/74            40:  303/68
       20: 1576/120           20: 1641/118
       15:  167/67            15:   86/42
       10:   11/7             10:   11/7
     TOTAL: 2483/379        TOTAL: 2424/346


W3LPL 160:  144/63     N2RM  160:  126/54     K1RX  160:   79/45
       80:  741/100           80:  590/95            80:  453/82
       40:  574/99            40:  485/91            40:  329/86
       20: 1814/137           20: 1810/138           20: 1749/133
       15:  363/100           15:  394/98            15:  293/92
       10:   78/18            10:   65/13            10:   58/14
     TOTAL: 3714/517        TOTAL: 3470/489        TOTAL: 2961/452

N3RS  160:   76/48
       80:  366/81
       40:  530/91
       20: 1298/131
       15:  368/95
       10:   71/14
     TOTAL: 2709/460


KC1XX 160:   71/47     KF2ET  160:   60/42
       80:  545/84             80:  447/86
       40:  366/87             40:  384/82
       20: 1683/133            20: 1818/129
       15:  271/96             15:  200/75
       10:   29/13             10:   36/8                
     TOTAL: 2965/460         TOTAL: 2945/422

J.P. Kleinhaus, AA2DU  ARRL CAC hudson Div. Rep.  
E-mail:              aa2du at netcom.com
Compu$erve:  74660,2606

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