[3830] K4RO ARRL 10m SO Mixed HP

k4ro at music-city.tdec.state.tn.us k4ro at music-city.tdec.state.tn.us
Mon Dec 15 00:47:40 EST 1997

   ARRL 10 SUMMARY SHEET   Contest Dates : 13-Dec-97, 14-Dec-97

   Callsign Used : K4RO    Operator : K4RO     Category : SO HP Mixed 

   Default Exchange : 5NN TN     Team/Club : Tennessee Contest Group

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

   10CW      477         463       1852      50        26 
   10SSB     641         629       1258      47        27 

 Totals     1118        1092       3110      97        53 

  Final Score = 466,500 points.    About 26 hours operating time.

IC-761, PRO57A @ 100', AL-811 400W out max (not enough!)

My first time in this contest.  I wasn't even planning to operate, then 
decided to try it out the night before.  What a blast, and without super 
condx.  I can't imagine what it must be like with a healthy flux number!
Couple of good Es openings, including one to the west coast on Sunday PM
that was wery strong.  Most unusual QSO: I worked my neighbor, WB4QDA.  
He heard me coming through his big screen TV audio, and then found me on 
10 meters.  He worked me using a dummy load, and was 30 dB over S9.  
Thanks for the contact John, and for using a dummy load to save my front 
end!!  This may be the first case of TVI actually *causing* a contest QSO!
Many Tennessee stations worked -- it's great to have so many folks active.

Best DX was surely N7ET/DU7, via long path at 1405Z, my 1st 10m LP QSO.
Thanks Dale!  VY1JA calling in for the YU mult was a great surprise too. 
Thanks J!  Lots of interesting African stations on as well.  Other
interesting DX included  FK8, V73 and KH0.  First day was much better 
condx overall.  I wish I'd operated harder the first day --  could have 
scored much better.  Still had some great fun the second day.  Great east 
coast Es opening made the last two hours a blast.  Ten meters is cool!  
Look forward to doing this one again.  Thanks for the QSOs!

-Kirk  K4RO    in Pegram TN,  near Nashville


  HOUR   10CW    10SSB   TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------   -----   -----
    0      40       9      49      49
    1      35       9      44      93
    2       8      43      51     144
    3      13      40      53     197
    4      12      21      33     230
    5       0       0       0     230
    6       0       0       0     230
    7       0       0       0     230
    8       0       0       0     230
    9       0       0       0     230
   10       0       0       0     230
   11       0       0       0     230
   12       7       2       9     239
   13      39       0      39     278
   14      27      28      55     333
   15      15      23      38     371
   16       7       8      15     386
   17      40       2      42     428
   18      18      36      54     482
   19       0      52      52     534
   20      24      31      55     589
   21      43       5      48     637
   22       0      57      57     694
   23       2      16      18     712
    0       9       5      14     726
    1       0       0       0     726
    2       0       0       0     726
    3       0       0       0     726
    4       0       0       0     726
    5       0       0       0     726
    6       0       0       0     726
    7       0       0       0     726
    8       0       0       0     726
    9       0       0       0     726
   10       0       0       0     726
   11       0       0       0     726
   12       3       2       5     731
   13      26       0      26     757
   14      23       9      32     789
   15      11       9      20     809
   16       4      15      19     828
   17       8       9      17     845
   18      26      29      55     900
   19      15      32      47     947
   20       6       1       7     954
   21       2      10      12     966
   22       0      68      68    1034
   23       0      58      58    1092

  TOTAL   463     629  

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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