[3830] WD4AHZ CQ-M SO LP CW Only

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz at gte.net
Mon May 11 21:00:01 EDT 1998

     Call used: WD4AHZ                                       Location: FLA
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 150W
     Callsign of Operator: WD4AHZ         
     Exchanged Information: WD4AHZ RST nr
     Hours of Operation: 05:00 approx.
              CW      CW     SSB     SSB    band
     band   QSOs     pts    QSOs     pts   mults
     160       0       0       0       0      0
      80       0       0       0       0      0
      40       0       0       0       0      0
      20      30      71       0       0     17
      15      19      47       0       0     11
      10       1       3       0       0      1
     TOTAL    50     121       0       0     29       SCORE: 3,509
     Comments: Could only operate a few hours.  Conditions were not very
     good the times I was on.  Hope to be able to do more next year.


Ron Wetjen
mailto:wd4ahz at gte.net


WD4AHZ Homepage - http://home1.gte.net/wd4ahz/index.htm
Sarasota Emergency Radio Club - http://home1.gte.net/wd4ahz/serc.htm
Florida Contest Group - http://www.4w.com/deemer/fcg.htm
Florida QSO Party - http://home1.gte.net/wd4ahz/fcg/ssqp.htm

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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