[3830] VE5CPU-IARU-SOAB-Mixed

Bart Ritchie - VE5CPU ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca
Sun Jul 11 18:38:32 EDT 1999

                  IARU HF Championship -- 1999

     Call: VE5CPU                Country:  Canada
                                 Category: Single Operator - Mixed mode
                                           300 watts

      160        2        2     1.00      1      0
       80       14       34     2.43      4      2
       40       31       83     2.68      7      3
       20      198      722     3.65     25     17
       15      110      416     3.78     25     10
       10        6       18     3.00      2      1
     Totals    361     1275     3.53     64     33

                 Score: 123,675 points

Equipment Description: Kenwood 440SAT & SB220.  KLM KT34a @ 50', 40M Delta Loop, 
80M Inverted V, 40/80/160 Sloper all at 45'.

Club Affiliation: Regina Amateur Radio Assocation

Soapbox: Its been a few years since I last operated IARU.  Conditons were pretty 
much non-existent on 10 from Saskatchewan, but 15 and 20 were in pretty decent 
Its a shame the solar flux fell 25 points from earlier in the week.  The low bands
are always a challenge on a city lot and the summer QRN doesn't help much.  
Surprised to 
work G8A on 40 meters - great ears!  Spent about 12 hours and mostly S&P - great 

Thanks to all those who dropped by and gave me the contacts - see you in the next 

73, Bart - VE5CPU

.B.R. (Bart) Ritchie        Internet: ve5cpu at sk.sympatico.ca.
.Regina, SK Canada                                          .
.Amateur Radio Call:VE5CPU  Ampr-Org: ve5cpu at ve5us.ampr.org .
Date: 11/07/1999 - Time: 5:30:10 PM

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