[AMPS] RFI filters for TV, phones, and stereos

Bryan bryan@prodistributors.com
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 13:36:49 -0500

        We have a local group of hams that functions as
an informal "RFI Committee" to help with interference 
problems.  They recently purchased a group of TCE Lab
filters for evaluation and testing.  All these samples 
are now going to be sold.  From the price list they 
have given me, I think most of these are about 1/2 
of selling price. 

        #1.  High pass filters BX 2-S and BX 2-P
             2 of each available.  Sell for $13 each

        #2   Telephone filters TP-12- 2 each-  $9 each

        #3   Super two line telephone filter 2 each-$13 each

        #4   Stereo speaker filter-one each-  $13 each

Bryan W5KFT

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