[AMPS] [Fwd: Feedback on ARRL publications]

John D. Peters k1er@gte.net
Mon, 24 Mar 1997 19:46:00 -0800

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Okay all you folks on the BA and AMP reflectors.  I've got the ARRL's 
attention about the errors in books (taking Dr Maxwell's material out to 
replace it with inaccurate measurements, safety violations in power 
supply articles, etc.)

NOW, all those who posted any and all of the comments on errors in past 
weeks please send them with details as requested in this forwarded note. 
Perhaps we can get ARRL pubs back on track.

73 John K1ER

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Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 09:44:00 -0500
From: "Kleinman, Joel,  N1BKE" <jkleinman@arrl.org>
Subject: Feedback on ARRL publications
To: "'Peters, John, K1ER/KH6'" <k1er@gte.net>
Cc: "Wilson, Mark  K1RO" <mwilson@arrl.org>,
        "Wyatt, Brad (Pacific Dir)" <k6wr@arrl.org>
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Brad Wyatt mentioned that you spoke to him recently about some apparent 
errors in ARRL technical publications.

I'd appreciate having the benefit of your input on any and all material you 
feel is inaccurate or misleading. It would be helpful to have your comments 
in as much detail as you can provide: the title, edition and printing of the 
ARRL book in question, the page numbers of the material in question, 
citations to source material, and so on.

Once we have your comments and suggestions, we will investigate them here 
and I'll get back to you with the results.

Thanks for your kind offer to help improve ARRL publications.

73, Joel
      Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Book Branch Supervisor, ARRL HQ
      email:  jkleinman@arrl.org
        VOICE:  860-594-0273
   FAX:  860-594-0259 (24 hours)
                  SNAIL MAIL:
225 Main St, Newington CT 06111-1494  USA
      ARRL WWW Site:  http://www.arrl.org/


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