[AMPS] Blue Color in an 811A

Dale Harper docdc@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 3 Oct 1997 22:46:14 -0500 (CDT)

Hello all,
I may have done something I didn't want to do. I have an Ameritron 
AL-811A coupled to a 6BTV. I was trying to tune 80 meters for the first 
time during a CW contact. I set my MFJ tuner to where the swr is almost 
1 to 1 and then I use the radio tuner to set between the amp. I 
couldn't get it to tune to 80 at all. When I key down without the amp, 
everything appears normal. When I turn the amp inline, the swr goes up 
to about 2 to 1 and I can't get the amp to tune at all. It tunes fine 
on 40, 20, 15, and 10. I noticed it won't tune on 30 either. On 80 and 
30, no load and tune at all, and the tubes cherry up a lot. No cherry 
on the other bands that it loads up on. 

Also, as I was attempting to tune the amp on 80, I heard a soft buzzing 
sound from the tubes for an instant, and I look in to see one of the 
811A's with a purplish glow when it transmits. I don't remember seeing 
that before.

Did I wreck a tube? Any thoughts why it won't tune up on 80 and 30?
Thanks for any help in advanced. 

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