[AMPS] Re: de-toxified dihydrogen monoxide

George T. Daughters gdaught6@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fri, 12 Sep 1997 08:29:18 +0008

hi all,

> Peter...in the Colonies it's imbibed cold and in the Mother Country at room
> temperature.  In California they add ice.  73

i hate to start a quarrel on this normally calm reflector, but as a 
native californian, i'd like to squelch this rumor ASAP.  like others 
in the colonies, we like it cold, but we *don't* add ice to the drink 
itself!  it's used packed around the vitreous or metallic containers 
of the zymurgically-detoxified dihydrogen monoxide,
in order to keep the temperature below that which would result in 
spontaneous decomposition.  this is necessary because of the warm, 
sunny climate which persists even through the winter months.

George T. Daughters, K6GT

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