[AMPS] HV Connectors

Alek Petkovic vk6apk@eon.net.au
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 19:06:18 +0800

At 01:11 AM 1/17/99 -0500, you wrote:
>  You do have to be careful not
>to excessively melt or distort the center conductor insulation.

>Tom - WA2BPE 

You can easily achieve this by sliding a layer of non waxed lunch paper
lunch wrap or plain brown paper in between the braid and the dielectric.
This stops the common melt down symptoms when the braid is tinned and
soldered into the PL259 body.

Probably old hat to most of the old timers but I only learned that one a
week ago.

73 from sunny Perth,

>> From: Mark Hall <markeh@erols.com>
>> To: wrt@eskimo.com
>> Cc: Carl Clawson <CarlClawson@compuserve.com>; AMPS <amps@contesting.com>
>> Subject: Re: [AMPS] HV Connectors
>> Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 9:01 AM
>> Maybe it's not recommended, but I use silver plated double shielded RG-9
>> with SO-239/PL-259 connectors for inter unit HV.  As long as it stays
>> hooked up there is no safety problem.  Inside the enclosure I use this
>> pretty nice unshielded and flexible HV "probe" wire with a #18 heavily
>> stranded stranded center, and two layers of what looks like teflon
>> insulation.  This wire is about a quarter inch diameter.  Been there for
>> years at 4 KV.. zero problems.
>> '73  mark
>> --
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