[AMPS] 4cx5000

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:29:20 -0500

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 06:19:41 PST "Bill Murphy" <zuluhe@hotmail.com>
>Just a aquired a surplus 4cx5000 rf deck and power supply which is odd 
>ball volts and frequency, looks a like a aircraft amp.
>I need to build a 7500 volts 2 amp pwr supply. What is the most 
>approach? Where do you get 30000 volt 2 amp diodes, and is a C filter 
>suitable with this size power supply? Also what minimum C should be 
>and what roughly would the secondary volts be? Also for regulation 
>is the maximum volts that can be no load applied to this particular 

I would start with the ARRL or W6SAI Handbook and get a knowledge of
basics first. Then get a full Eimac spec sheet  ( I can mail you one for
an SASE).
This is not a beginner project .

73  Carl  KM1H

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