[AMPS] 4cx5000

John Cunliffe John Cunliffe" <n2nep@cunliffegroup.com
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 15:36:55 -0500

>Another 10-4
>At least Murphy can spell and your abusive as usual presence elsewhere
>has not been missed by many.
>As Rich would say........later  John

Thanks guy's for forwarding Carls posting to me to me otherwise I would not
have seen his newest attack. It looks like he is not happy until he attacks
someone at least once a day... I feel bad for him. I do like the idea of
some of you to send a collective complaint to the list owner.

Gee Carl... nothing else to say then to criticize other peoples spelling?
That�s a poor way for a professional to handle a problem. And you do think
of yourself as a professional don't you?
So please do us all a big favor and behave like one. So far I have seen
nobody else tell other people to go away but you.  Hey I got an Idea... WHY
DON'T YOU GO AWAY? After all you�re only one and there are many more of us.
It�s easier for one to go away .

John N2NEP

Unfortunately my spelling will never be perfect after all English is not my
first language as many of you know.
I apologize should I have offended someone with my spelling.
The day Carl is able to converse with me perfect in my native language will
be the day he has a right to criticize me.

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