[AMPS] Re: Italians and power?

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 07:17:57 -1000

>        USA is the only country I´ve seen amplifiers runing 25 - 50 kW
>        so why not leave the Italians alone.

Think I might have heard a couple of those, hi!  Were huge
piles after a couple of African goodies.  Then up came
a W0,  huge signal.  The African came back to him
immediately.....that is pretty unusual in that size a pile.

A bit later,  another big pile,  hundreds must have been
after this one.  Bingo,  another GIGANTIC signal out
of the mainland Midwest,  and bang, he was answered,
first call by the DX.

Am sure both were just a coincidence of,  for the moment,
vanished QRM and instant excellent propagation between
the two stations.  Would that it might have happened
to me:  never got through to either the TO0,  nor the XT2.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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