[AMPS] 3/2 law, DAF, other musings

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:47:03 -0000

Steve says;

>Any mathematician out there who can expand (Vg + Vs/us)^3/2 ?

There's a graph in 'Care and Feeding' of IMD against grid volts/bias showing
the 3rd order  dropping to zero at certain power levels.

I suspect what is needed is to multiply out (Vg + Vs/us)^3/2 times (sinv1t +
sinv2t). One could then differentiate to find the points where the IMD terms
go to zero.

Just a few sums!

Additionally, the 3/2 law is not precise for all tubes - there are
variations in it.


Peter G3RZP

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