[AMPS] Amp using 833A

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 21:10:47 -0400

Hi Jeff

> This is a sad day in amateur radio.  Here we are in a mail list for the
> high end of the amateur radio building community and we're reluctant to
> use a tube that requires bias!?  4-1000's look ok when glowing orange but
> an 833A is gorgeous with that bright red region in the center of the plate
> (not anode, plate).
> jeff

The problem is the tube will have low gain. That's because the gain 
of a grounded grid PA is related to the ratio of output impedance to 
input impedance of the tube.

With it's low-mu construction, the 833 would take a heap of voltage 
swing on the input meaning driving impedance would be high and 
gain would be very low.

It would be OK to grid drive the tube, but then stability becomes an 
issue. The IMD also goes up because the heavy negative feedback 
inherent in cathode driven systems (the output is in series and out-
of-phase with the input) would disappear.

The tube could certainly be used, but it wouldn't be a good choice 
(especially since they have long leads and are prone to self-
oscillation at upper HF).

73, Tom W8JI

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