[AMPS] SB-220: Operate/Standby Switch

Jaime P.Ullívarri ea6nb@wanadoo.es
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 04:27:19 -0000

This is a good idea, but where to find a 100K, pull on / push off /
potentiometer ? I have seen them in some Heathkits kits but not in Spain.
73, Jaime EA6NB.

*-----Mensaje original-----
*De: owner-amps@contesting.com [mailto:owner-amps@contesting.com]En
*The SB220 should ALWAYS be started in the CW position to limit inrush
*current.  NEVER start the SB220 in the SSB position, as it puts too much
*strain on components.
*The best idea yet was to take the pot, remove it, and replace it
*with a pull
*on / push off / potentiometer.  This will allow you to still adjust the
*sensitivity of the meter  as well as give you an operate standby
*switch, AND
*keep the amp looking stock.
*Hope this helps.
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