[Amps] equalizing resistors
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 10:18:45 -0800
>----- Ursprungligt meddelande -----
>Fr�n: "Richard" <2@mail.vcnet.com>
>Till: "Bill Russell" <willy@global2000.net>; " AMPS" <Amps@contesting.com>
>Skickat: den 1 mars 2002 17:18
>�mne: Re: [Amps] equalizing resistors
>> >I am replacing the filter cap in the hv section of my Thunderbolt. I will
>> >be using 2 caps in series. The power supply filter is the choke input type
>> >using a swinging choke. It supplies 2200 volts. Do I need to add
>> >resistors across each cap.
>> ? I would. It's a reliable way to bleed off the caps, plus it applies
>> equal V to each.
>> >Depending on who I talk to, Ive been told I do
>> >need them and than again I dont need them. Which is correct. If I do need
>> >them, what size should they be. 100k at 10 watts is what Ive been told.
>> ? 10W, 100k? resistors are not ordinarily able to handle even 1000V -
>> even though that's 10w [read the fine print in the specs]. Also, 1100V =
>> 12.1W @ 100k?. My guess is that whoever told you this does not have a
>> firm grip on Ohm's Law.
>P=U^2/R last time I checked, If the dissipation is 12.1W, use >25W resistors
> unless you have them mounted in some kind of air flow.
� provided that the mfg rates the 100k� value for >1100v. Always read
the small print.
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,