[Amps] Dentron DTR-2000
Alan Ibbetson
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 18:10:53 +0100
>From: "Mike Krzystyniak" <k9mk@flash.net>
>Subject: [Amps] Dentron DTR-2000
>Q1) I was wondering if some of the other DTR-2000 owners out there might be
>able to tell me what their input SWRs is like and what it may range on the
>some of the bands.
I have an old DTR2000L. Input SWR is 1.5 on the bands up to and including
20m, rising to 2.5 on 15m, and near infinity on 10m. Mine won't tune
properly on 160 and 10m due to shortcomings in the pi tank, and it fries the
anode RF choke on 17m, due a self resonance near that band I guess.
I suspect something in the FL1 input filter has died on yours.
>Q3) In the SSB position, I noticed the bias on the 8877 is down around
So is mine.
>What's the experts consensus on where idle bias
>should be with a meager 2700V B+ on the anode?
I am not an expert, but the Eimac data sheet says 92mA. I'd always assumed I
had a tube which was a bit low on gain, but maybe the 8.2v cathode bias
zener is off?
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