[Amps] Henry 750?

Gene Bigham jbigham2 at kc.rr.com
Tue Oct 14 12:09:05 EDT 2003

One list member asked about a solid state amp, another said get a Henry.  I too am interested in a solid state amp, am working on building one and have looked at SGC, Ameritron/Vectronics (aka MFJ),  there seems to be an Italian version and a Japanese version also,  and the Henry.  E-Ham has multiple posts for reviews of these.  It looks like a mixed bag positive and negative for these units...  Anyone on this list with real life experience with the Henry 750 not the larger 1200 unit?  It would be nice if someone developed a lower voltage FET for mobile use?  What does the Henry run 4 - 8  2sc2879's?  They are all pricey, but FCC type accepted.  I am still working on my homebrew with 4 pcs 2sc2879's perhaps this winter will see it to completion, still need to build an output filter(s), and dynamic bias control.  Plan to put this behind my Radio Shack 10 meter rig mobile in my '03 Dakota Quad Cab 4x4 with super heavy duty electrical system.  With sunspots going down I guess I should not get too excited about a 10 meter mobile station, huh?  Maybe can trade up to an all band mobile rig.
Gene Bigham KB0GU 

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