[Amps] tuned choke

peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com
Mon Apr 5 11:36:35 EDT 2004

John said:

>Tuned to resonance with no load,

This somewhat puzzles me. I would have expected it to be tuned higher in
frequency ( although maybe no more than 0.5 to 1 Hz) so that it looked very
inductive under no load conditions. As the load increases and the critical
inductance comes down, the decrease in inductance will shift the resonance
higher, but I understand the idea is still to keep above critical
inductance - which suggests you can't use a very low value of inductance
and rely on getting very close to resonance.

If the circuit really is resonant, surely it looks like a (very) high
series impedance at low load, and being resistive, will no longer keep a
constant current flowing into teh reservoir capacitor?


Peter G3RZP

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