[Amps] TL-922A - Loud Pop, Blown Fuses

Clay Curtiss W7CE w7ce at curtiss.net
Sun Dec 5 21:03:18 EST 2004

Hi Rich,
I didn't remove the tubes, but I did remove the anode connection to both of
them for the quick HV test.  The fuses don't blow when the anodes aren't

I figured the sound wasn't inside the tube for the reason you mention.  Any
idea what could be causing the loud pop?  The first time I heard it, I
figured it was the spark gap on the T/R relay, but after thinking about it
that doesn't make sense since I wasn't transmitting and the amp was in


> Hello, Clay -- An internal tube short makes very little sound.  A loud
> pop is in the atmosphere, not a vacuum
> Does the 922 blow fuses with the tubes removed?
> >

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