[Amps] Homeland Security

Bill Fuqua wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Wed Sep 1 17:40:21 EDT 2004

   I don't want that camel's nose in my tent!  The best thing about ham 
radio is the lack of need for
infrastructure and that the hams have always purchased or built their own 
equipment thus not being
dependent on Federal funds. We provide amateur radio classes and do the 
examinations at no cost to
the government.  When we start depending of the Fed for equipment they will 
begin specifying the
equipment and come up with specifications as we have seen for new 60 meter 

Bill wa4lav

At 05:01 PM 9/1/2004 -0400, Will Matney wrote:
>I received an e-mail today that might be of interest to some. A copy of it 
>is below.
>Will Matney
>This Webinar is sponsored by Kenwood USA Corporation.
>For complete details and to *register* click here: 
>Michael Paddock, Grants Office LLC
>Homeland security is one of today's most relevant topics. Land Mobile 
>Communications are key to protecting US borders. In some instances, these 
>communications present the first and last line of defense. The FY04 
>Homeland Security Appropriation provides $3.5 billion to "first 
>responders" in their homeland security work. Much of the money will be 
>distributed through grants from Federal departments such as the Department 
>of Homeland Security (DHS). Public safety agencies need to know how to 
>apply for grants, and vendors need to know who gets the money in order to 
>effectively target their sales efforts.
>In this Webinar, Mr. Paddock discusses:
>    * *The Federal grantmaking process *
>    * *How vendors figure in the funding picture *
>    * *Federal programs that could fund their customers' wireless
>      communications purchases *
>To *register* click here: www.wherethemoneyis.iwce-mrt.com 
>*When registering for the event you will have the opportunity to enter a 
>chance to win a complimentary IWCE 2005 Full Event Pass ($500+ value).* 
>Drawing to be held on December 31, 2004. Sponsors may ask optional 
>questions. Completion of these questions is not required to enter the 
>*About Our Sponsor:* This Webinar is sponsored by Kenwood USA Corp. In 
>every state in the U.S., Kenwood radios are used by major public service 
>agencies. Whether used by fire agencies, in disaster management or for 
>daily police work, Kenwood mobiles and portables have quality and value 
>that are well know by public service professionals.
>To learn more about our products, visit:
>www.kenwood.iwce-mrt.com <http://www.pbm3.com/trk/ct.aspx?x=8b5.1e9d.3475377>
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