[Amps] Equalising resistors with HV diodes

peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com
Mon Sep 20 09:08:51 EDT 2004

Rich said:

>Please explain why equalizing resistors have merit.

Because if the reverse leakage differs between diodes, the reverse voltage
distribution also differs. The one with the least leakage ends up with the
highest voltage across it, which could exceed the breakdown volts. With
resistors, the voltage distribution across the diodes is fixed by the
resistor ratios.

If the capacitances aren't matched, that will also affect the voltage
distribution. That's one reason why it is not wise to mix diodes of the
same nominal type from different manufacturers without some equalisation.
Another is the reverse recovery time.

Experience also suggests that for best reliability, buy diodes from
reputable manufacturers - some of the far Eastern ones are distinctly dodgy
froma reliability viewpoint.


Peter G3RZP

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