[Amps] Equalising resistors with HV diodes

DF3KV df3kv at aol.com
Mon Sep 20 10:14:17 EDT 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: <peter.chadwick at Zarlink.Com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Equalising resistors with HV diodes

> >Please explain why equalizing resistors have merit.
> Because if the reverse leakage differs between diodes, the reverse
> distribution also differs. The one with the least leakage ends up
with the
> highest voltage across it, which could exceed the breakdown volts.
> resistors, the voltage distribution across the diodes is fixed by
> resistor ratios.
> If the capacitances aren't matched, that will also affect the
> distribution. That's one reason why it is not wise to mix diodes of
> same nominal type from different manufacturers without some
> Another is the reverse recovery time.
> Experience also suggests that for best reliability, buy diodes from
> reputable manufacturers - some of the far Eastern ones are
distinctly dodgy
> froma reliability viewpoint.

Hi Peter,

If that theory is solid, all fullwave bridge rectifiers should have
equalising resistors connected across the diodes, but no manufacture
suggests that.
I always used triple safety on Vrrm when I used diodes in HV rectifier
stacks and never experienced failed diodes (most BY255)


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