[Amps] L-4B Switch

Fortra fortra at siol.net
Mon Sep 5 14:20:23 EDT 2005

Hi Marv,

judging from the physical look-alike&electrical functions, could it be, that 
power switch/ HV-LV voltage) switch on Kenwood TL-922 could replace the 
Drake power switch?? At the end of the day, they both use 3-500z, they both 
switch secondary HV voltage etc... For the purists, if you do not like the 
color, spray it red!! Have had both amps and Kenwood's TL 922 switch has 
been replaced, Drake switch never! Just a hint!

Best regards, Nermin S58DX

p.s Yeah, check the availability at pacific parts, they might have them!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marv Gonsior" <w6frmarv at dslextreme.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 8:06 PM
Subject: [Amps] L-4B Switch

> Greetings,
> To all those who who contacted me, I am sorry to report that there does 
> not
> appear to be a replacement for the errant power switch.   The consensus is
> that the root cause of the failures is the probable high inrush current to
> the power transformer so anything that can be done to limit it will
> alleviate the problem.  It was suggested that an external switch be used
> while leaving the switch in the "ON" position.  Another suggestion was to
> spray the switch with WD-40, work it about 30 times and let it sit for a
> few hours thereafter.  This worked for Fred, K2GKM.  This switch is also
> used in the L-7 so junker parts, in either case, could be a
> source.  Another suggestion was to rewire the switch, incorporate a small,
> 1/3 ohm current limiting resistor connected to the low voltage side of the
> switch so you would start in that position and then switch to the high
> voltage position for operating.
> 73,
> Marv, W6FR
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