[Amps] Needed: Easy to Wind Low Value Meter Shunt Wire

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Sat Feb 4 00:55:21 EST 2006


Believe it or not, that was the way they did on one of those Radio Shack meters similar to a Simpson 260. The shunt was a bent piece of nichrome wire around the inside of the meter. Towards the end they soldered a wire on it for the ammeter. You could see where they had tried another spot just about 3/16" away. Worked ok for them!



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On 2/3/06 at 10:40 PM Henry  Pfizenmayer wrote:

>You might also try Rich Measures - r at somis.org.,  I used some of his 
>nichrome parasitic supressor wire to make some low value resistors - one
>problem is contact resistance  variation as you have probably already
>and you can use his solder to ease that problem a bit . Another trick I
>was to make the shunt a little too large  the use one end as common and
>slide the meter lead along the nichrome wire until the meter read what I 
>wanted and soldered the wire  there .
>Hank K7HP
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Will Matney" <craxd1 at verizon.net>
>To: <amps at contesting.com>
>Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:58 PM
>Subject: Re: [Amps] Needed: Easy to Wind Low Value Meter Shunt Wire
>> Ron,
>> Yes there is as I just saw them in Mouser. I forget the manufacturer but 
>> they'll be under resistors. Shunts like a 0.1 ohm or lower are hard to 
>> make and be accurate.
>> Best,
>> Will
>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>> On 2/3/06 at 11:52 PM w2cqm at juno.com wrote:
>>>Hopefully, someone can suggest an easy technique to wire meter shunts in
>>>fractional parts of an ohm.  I just spent some tedious, cut and try time
>>>finally getting a 1 ma meter to read 1 amp of plate current using  an
>>>oddball  combination of four (4) sand type mini value resistors in
>>>parallel.  It's cumbersome,  works OK,  but looks awful.  Is there a
>>>retail supplier  of  low value nichrome type resistance  wire (per linear
>>>length)   that allows for the quick calculation and fabrication of meter
>>>shunts within a range of  fractional parts of an ohm? (e.g.,  .04-.05
>>>ohms)  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Ron W2CQM/3
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