[Amps] my little amp project of many hours..maybe 50% done

Partain, Chuck Chuck_Partain at maxtor.com
Wed Jan 4 07:00:54 EST 2006

I'd like to see, a nice clean 1500w without making it work too hard.
with 3900 on the plate and Probably ~30w in 80-10 (will see)

Have a long way to go  but needed to show a week long christmas vacation with 30 hours or so
of catching up over the years of thinking and playing around an hour or two a week with it.
a good investment in ferrite beads, tie wraps and cable guides should make it look more presentable.

thanks to all who contribute to this reflector, I've been watching/reading.


the hv tran. weighs in ~58 pounds, the lv tran. about 5-8. the box is 5lbs and the rest of the
components guessing 10 pounds?

80 pounds so far. not much more to go shouldn't go over the 100# mark! :)

going to put good side handles on it :)

That "little" amp is a real brute!  Take more photos as you get the beast
all together.  What power level are you shooting for?  How much does it
weigh so far?

73, Keith NM5G

-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Partain, Chuck
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:18 PM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] my little amp project of many hours..maybe 50% done


gu-84b based HF amp.

this is my first foray into amp building.

I'll redo many of the boards, and the filter, pretty much in breadboard
state right now.
many more ebay shopping sprees :)

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