[Amps] History of AMPS

Clint Talmadge unclebudd at bellsouth.net
Tue Nov 14 13:21:24 EST 2006

Tom said:


People tend to migrate towards what they are comfortable 

Some people like technical discussions, some people are not 
comfortable with the technical aspects of our hobby and 
enjoy the emotional or fighting side.

The obvious contrast between this reflector and the Yahoo 
group gives people a clear choice.

73 Tom 


You are correct Tom that "People tend to migrate towards what they are comfortable with."

However I "migrated" AWAY from that which I was uncomfortable.  The technical level of the discussions did not bother me, but others reaction to the posters was the main element that made me leave the Yahoo Reflector.  I have never been one or do I understand one who argues for arguments' sake.  I did not see the technical relavance of one poster calling another names with expletives because he could not find a source for fuses.

I am very glad there are two Amp Reflectors.  

Clint - W5CPT

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