[Amps] 3CX1500A7 versus 3CPX1500 TSPA

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Mon Jan 22 12:45:12 EST 2007

John T. M. Lyles wrote:
> With all the hoopala here questioning honesty of selling various 
> 8877-style triodes as interchangable, I didn't see mention of whether 
> the pulsed tube (having a longer anode ceramic) would have the same 
> Cpg, output capacitance. This may make a big difference in a 
> particular amplifier, esp at the higher frequencies. Beside the 
> obvious of it sticking up higher in the socket, the tuning may get 
> offset by the fixed tube capacitance, something to be aware of. Moot 
> point, since it was sold already, but be careful of interchangeable 
> sockets without heeding noninterchangeable tube characteristics.
> 73
> John

The Eimac data sheets are at:


Other tubes at


I can't be bothered to look at the specs now.

BTW, does anyone have the spec sheet for the tube Lou was offering? I'll 
stick it on the web site if someone does. There seems so much folk law 
on here, with few ever bothing to look at a data sheet.

Reid Brandon at Eimac once sent me an email saying that basically the 
pulsed tubes could be used in place of the non-pulsed ones in amateur 

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