[Amps] RF Parts Channel; Television Broadcast Equipment

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Mon Feb 18 16:06:02 EST 2008

There will be very little of use coming out of the old TV 
transmitters.  Even the tube transmitters have been solid 
state to the final for many years - typically 1200 - 1600 
watts at VHF (feeding tetrodes to 50 KW peak of sync) or 
200 watts at UHF (feeding klystrons or IOTs to 60 KW peak 
of sync).  

It may be possible (with a lot of work) to put the solid 
state drivers into single band service (Low VHF to six 
meters - high VHF to 2 meters or 220 MHz - and UHF to 
432 MHz.  The drive level, filament power and screen 
requirement of the old tube finals make them impractical 
for conversion to amateur use. 

One exception to this might be some of the old UHF translator 
transmitters.  They often used a tube good for 1 KW peak of 
sync that would probably be useful for a 1500 watt PEP 
amplifier on 430 or 1296. 

Finding the "surplus" equipment will not be easy - there is 
probably no market or trade value for it.  Most station 
personnel are not going to want to deal with selling the 
stuff and it will probably go to the nearest landfill.  

At least that was my experience in the industry ... 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Pat Barthelow
> Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 2:29 PM
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: [Amps] RF Parts Channel; Television Broadcast Equipment
> Folks:
> I am curious, if the coming Television transition to Digital, 
> is releasing on the surplus market large numbers of various 
> QRO RF components useful to Ham amp builders?   I dont know 
> the typical lineup of power levels at various stages in the 
> TX TV chain, but perhaps drivers, for the PA have components 
> we are used to seeing/using.  What is the channel in the 
> industry, that swaps, and reuses, or disposes in some way,  
> the old TX system components that all TV stations will be 
> swapping out?   Do new station suppliers, merely take in the 
> old equipment trade ins from the customers, and then ship 
> them elsewhere?  Overseas? 
> All the best,
> Pat Barthelow    (916) 315-9271
> aa6eg at hotmail.com
> http://www.jamesburgdish.org
> Project Manager,  Jamesburg Moonbounce Team
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