[Amps] Radio Switch/Multi-Tech

Paul Kraemer elespe at lisco.com
Fri Apr 24 07:44:32 PDT 2009

Add perseverance, patience, maybe a little heat from a large soldering gun, 
a drop of penetrating oil, plus a helping hand from xyl to support things 
while you concentrate on the punch.
I used a vice designed to support items on a drill press table as support. 
It opened to the required width to support the switch in the right places.
I found that a satisfactory punch can be found in the form of hardened nails 
used to install paneling. They are the required diameter and very hard. Hold 
them in place with pliers and tap with a small hammer.
Paul K0UYA
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott McGrath" <mcgrath at fas.harvard.edu>
To: <N7KA at comcast.net>
Cc: "Amps" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Radio Switch/Multi-Tech

> Drive punches and V-blocks
> You need to set up a support on the shaft between the wafers and drive
> out the pins with either a small arbor press or HIGH QUALITY punches
> think Starrett not Harbor Freight.     HF V blocks would be Ok as you
> will need to cut them to fit.
> - Scott
> N7KA at comcast.net wrote:
>> What are the SUCCESSFUL techniques for removing the pin in the rotor of 
>> these switches?  IF YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY removed these pins I would like 
>> to know how it was done and what tools were used.  I have some Model 86 
>> switches I WANT to build/rebuild for use.
>> Arne N7KA
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