[Amps] water conductivity and hose length

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Dec 23 13:26:07 PST 2009

We used DI in (trying to remember) maybe a 500 or 1000 gallon tank with 
an internal heat exchanger using chilled city water. As to the 
resistivity, "I think" (trying to really stretch and old and defective 
memory) we normally saw a high "resistivity" of about 8 meg ohm cm^3. I 
don't remember how low it had to get before flushing the system but I 
heard tell on shut down was due to less than  half of one of those 
little salt packets in all that water.

Dennis OConnor wrote:
> On the 100kw amps I used to maintain, with 15kv DC on the plate,  we used 35 feet of 1" dia. non carbon (red) rubber hose... 
For hose we used the clear plastic (don't remember the composition other 
than it was soft) with an internal coarse fabric weave for strength.
>  30 gallon stainless steel cooling tank and pump with a freon cooling loop...
We never got that fancy.
>  Initially distilled water was used but the bean counters got restless because the row of a dozen fire breathing dragons was thirsty, and we switched to city water and used an activated carbon filter followed by a 5 micron particulate filter when filling the tank and then re-filtering it weekly...
We did filter 100% with a bypass through a second filter so they could 
be changed "on-the-fly".  IIRC they too were 5 micron.  That system 
cooled something like 30 some 12KW units and a couple of  the bigger 
ones. The "big stuff" (100 to 200 Kw) was on separate systems as was 


Roger (K8RI)
> denny / k8do
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