[Amps] Why no images allowed?

Mike McCarthy, W1NR lists at w1nr.net
Fri Aug 13 11:48:16 PDT 2010

Space for the archives is one issue but it is also to squelch spam,
viruses and phishing, which usually use binaries or malware embedded in

Mike, W1NR

On 08/13/2010 02:02 PM, Bill, W6WRT wrote:
> Are there still security or other reasons why the reflector will not
> allow .jpg images to be attached to emails? Especially on this
> reflector, having the ability to display schematics and pictures would
> be a great help, I'd think.
> I believe this policy went into effect back when everyone had very low
> speed modems and then it made sense, but those days are pretty much
> gone. 
> What do you think?
> 73, Bill W6WRT

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