[Amps] which HV connector to use?

Jim Barber audioguy at charter.net
Tue Jan 12 20:17:40 PST 2010

Assuming one doesn't insist on using the Millen connectors, what's a 
good alternative?

Someone mentioned RG-214 a few pages back but having been there, done 
that and arced most of the common connectors I'm not thrilled with that 
one either.

Perhaps the moral is to always build integrated. (and buy bigger desks...)

Jim, N7CXI

Phil Clements wrote:
>> The Millen has a known history of flashing to a metal mounting at 5Kv once
>> they have absorbed sufficient moisture even in clean holes. I quit selling
>> them due to failures and complaints.
>> Carl
>> KM1H
> Amen, Carl. If one insists upon using the Millen red and blacks, I suggest
> my method of punching a one and 1/4 inch round hole in the chassis, mounting
> a 2 X 2 X 1/2 inch piece of Plexiglas behind the hole, and installing the
> connector in the center of the round hole backed up by the Plexiglas. I have
> used this successfully on 6 KV supplies with no problems. I would never use
> the Millen connectors without the plastic backing at voltages over 3 KV.
> There is a yellow Millen connector that absorbs moisture worse than the red
> and black!
> (((73)))
> Phil, K5PC
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