[Amps] Fw: Good amp to buy /amp notes

Gary Schafer garyschafer at comcast.net
Sat Jan 30 09:41:45 PST 2010

An under loaded amp will "flat top" (clip the peaks of the signal) and cause
splatter and distortion (Intermod). It is important that the amp be loaded
heavily for SSB operation. The best way to do that is to tune for maximum
output and then load a little heavier than that so the output drops
slightly. Then you will not overdrive the amp with voice. Back off the mike
gain slightly and talk. The best way to know is to then watch the signal on
a scope. Make note of the peak voltage on the scope when tuning is done and
then adjust the mike gain so that the peak voltage with voice never hits the
tune up peak level. That is head room.

Gary  K4FMX

>    I've never related tuning with headroom and I don't get it.  Tuning
> has always
> acted like and an adjustable attenuator to an amplifier's transfer
> charismatics.
>    Tuning's impedance matching seems primarily to effect efficiency and
> inversely
> device dissipation.
> --
>     Ron  KA4INM - He who attacks the fundamentals of the American
> broadcasting industry
>                   attacks democracy itself.        -- William S. Paley,
> chairman of CBS
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